Neck & Décolleté 3 Sessions
2,700US$3 sessions of Fotona Neck and Décolleté Rejuvenation有效期 2 年- Fotona Neck and Décolleté Rejuvenation
Neck & Décolleté 5 Sessions
4,000US$5 sessions of Fotona Neck and Décolleté Rejuvenation有效期 2 年- Fotona Neck and Décolleté Rejuvenation
Neck & Décolleté 4
3,840US$4 sessions of Fotona Neck and Décolleté Rejuvenation有效期 2 年- Fotona Neck and Décolleté Rejuvenation
Fotona 4D 3 Sessions - Lead RN
3,000US$3 session Fotona4D FaceLift +3 sessions of SmoothEye or Fractional Eye Wrinkles Removal (worth $1,350)有效期 2 年- Fotona4D Facelift
Hands 2 Sessions
1,440US$有效期 2 年- Hand Rejuvenation With Fotona FRAC3
Hands 3 Sessions
2,040US$有效期 2 年- Hand Rejuvenation With Fotona FRAC3
SmoothEye 3 Sessions
1,200US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Laser SmoothEye
SmoothEye 6 Sessions
1,530US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Laser SmoothEye
VectorLift 3
1,530US$3 Sessions of VectorLift有效期 2 年- Fotona VectorLift
VectorLift 4
1,920US$4 Sessions of VectorLift有效期 2 年- Fotona VectorLift
VectorLift 5
2,250US$5 Sessions of VectorLift有效期 2 年- Fotona VectorLift
VectorLift 6
2,520US$6 Sessions of VectorLift有效期 2 年- Fotona VectorLift
F spot treatment 2 sessions
850US$2 sessions Fotona Fractional Spot Treatment有效期 2 年- Fotona Fractional Spot Treatment
Scar 3 Sessions
1,200US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Scar Revision
ComfortLase 3
810US$3 Sessions of ComfortLase有效期 2 年- Fotona ComfortLase
ComfortLase 6
1,530US$6 Sessions of ComfortLase有效期 2 年- Fotona ComfortLase
Facial Hair 6
1,530US$6 Sessions of Facial Hair Removal有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Hair Reduction
Facial Hair 8
1,920US$8 Sessions of Facial Hair Removal有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Hair Reduction
Facial Hair 10
2,250US$10 Sessions of Facial Hair Removal有效期 24 個月- FRAC3 Permanent Hair Reduction
Underarm 6 Sessions
1,020US$有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Underarm Hair Reduction
Underarm 8 Sessions
1,280US$有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Underarm Hair Reduction
Underarm 10 Sessions
1,500US$有效期 24 個月- FRAC3 Permanent Underarm Hair Reduction
Bikini 6 Sessions
1,530US$有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Bikini Hair Reduction
Bikini 8 Sessions
1,920US$有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Bikini Hair Reduction
Bikini 10 Sessions
2,250US$有效期 24 個月- FRAC3 Permanent Bikini Hair Reduction
Brazilian 6 Sessions
1,785US$有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Brazilian Hair Reduction
Brazilian 8 Sessions
2,240US$有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Brazilian Hair Reduction
Brazilian 10 Sessions
2,625US$有效期 2 年- FRAC3 Permanent Brazilian Hair Reduction
Scar 4 Sessions
1,500US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Scar Revision
Scar 5 Sessions
1,750US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Scar Revision
Scar 6 Sessions
1,950US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Scar Revision
LineLase 3 Sessions
2,295US$有效期 2 年- Fotona LineLase
LineLase 4 Sessions
2,880US$有效期 2 年- Fotona LineLase
LineLase 5 Sessions
3,375US$有效期 2 年- Fotona LineLase
LineLase 6 Sessions
3,780US$有效期 2 年- Fotona LineLase
LineLase 8 Sessions
4,320US$有效期 2 年- Fotona LineLase
LipLase 3 Sessions
810US$有效期 2 年- Fotona LipLase
LipLase 6 Sessions
1,530US$有效期 2 年- Fotona LipLase
ComfortLase 9
2,160US$9 Sessions of ComfortLase有效期 2 年- Fotona ComfortLase
Fotona 4D 4 Sessions - Lead RN
3,600US$4 session Fotona4D FaceLift + 4 sessions of SmoothEye or Fractional Eye Wrinkles Removal (worth $1,800)有效期 2 年- Fotona4D Facelift
Fotona 4D 5 Sessions - Lead RN
4,000US$5 session Fotona4D FaceLift + 5 sessions of SmoothEye or Fractional Eye Wrinkles Removal (worth $2,250)有效期 2 年- Fotona4D Facelift
Neck 3 Sessions
2,040US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Neck Wrinkle Resurfacing
F spot treatment 3 sessions
1,200US$3 Sessions of Fractional Spot Treatment有效期 2 年- Fotona Fractional Spot Treatment
Deluxe HydraFacial 10 Sessions Package
2,475US$Most popular with the most signifiant & longer-lasting results provided by our senior esthetician有效期 18 個月- Deluxe HydraFacial
Deluxe HydraFacial 5 Sessions Package
1,300US$Most popular with the most signifiant & longer-lasting results provided by our senior esthetician有效期 18 個月- Deluxe HydraFacial
Fractional Full Face 2 Sessions
1,800US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Fractional Full face
Fractional Full Face 3 Sessions
2,550US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Fractional Full face
Fractional Full Face 4 Sessions
3,000US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Fractional Full face
Fractional Full Face 5 Sessions
3,500US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Fractional Full face
F spot treatment 4 sessions
1,500US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Fractional Spot Treatment
F spot treatment 5 sessions
1,750US$有效期 2 年- Fotona Fractional Spot Treatment
ZO red carpet peel facial 5 sessions
780US$有效期 18 個月- ZO Red Carpet Peel Facial - 45min
ZO red carpet peel facial 10 sessions
1,485US$有效期 18 個月- ZO Red Carpet Peel Facial - 45min
Hands 4 sessions
2,400US$有效期 2 年- Hand Rejuvenation With Fotona FRAC3
Valmont Firmness Facial 5 Sessions
1,448US$有效期 18 個月- Valmont Facial: Firmness
Valmont Firmness Facial 10 Sessions
2,745US$有效期 18 個月- Valmont Facial: Firmness
Signature Hydrafacial 5 sessions Package
945US$Deeply cleanse, exfoliate, extract, infuse and finish with LED light therapy有效期 18 個月- Services provided by our senior esthetician
- Signature Hydrafacial 5 sessions
Signature Hydrafacial 10sessions Package
1,790US$Deeply cleanse, exfoliate, extract, infuse and finish with LED light therapy有效期 18 個月- Services provided by our senior esthetician
- Signature HydraFacial 10 sessions
Flawless Eye-lift package
1,200US$2 sessions for Smootheye and fractional eye wrinkles removal!有效期 2 年- Fotona Laser SmoothEye
- Fotona Fractional Spot Treatment
Helios Pico Toning 6 Sessions Package
2,400US$Helios IV 785 offers a groundbreaking approach to skin toning and rejuvenation.有效期 2 年- Helios Pico Toning for 6 sessions
Helios Melasma Management for 6 Sessions
3,000US$Helios Melasma Management for 6 Sessions Package有效期 2 年- Helios Melasma Management 6 Session
Helios Pico Spot Treatment 3 Sessions
1,350US$Helios Pico Spot Treatment 3 Sessions有效期 2 年- Helios Pico Spot Treatment
Helios Acne Marks Treatment 5 Sessions
2,000US$Helios Acne Marks Treatment 5 Sessions有效期 2 年- Helios Acne Marks Treatment 5 Sessions
Master-Signature Hydrafacial 5 sessions
1,040US$Services provided by master esthetician Nicole Li有效期 18 個月- Signature HydraFacial
Master-Signature HydraFacial 10 sessions
1,970US$Services provided by master esthetician Nicole Li有效期 18 個月- Signature HydraFacial
Master-Deluxe HydraFacial 5 sessions
1,400US$Our most popular and long-lasting results services provided by master esthetician Nicole Li有效期 18 個月- Deluxe HydraFacial
Master-Deluxe HydraFacial 10 sessions
2,655US$Our most popular and long-lasting results services provided by master esthetician Nicole Li有效期 18 個月- Deluxe HydraFacial
Valmont Discovery facial 5 sessions
1,068US$Valmont Discovery facial provided by our senior esthetician有效期 18 個月- Valmont Discovery facial
Valmont Discovery facial 10 sessions
2,025US$Valmont Discovery facial provided by our senior esthetician有效期 18 個月- Valmont Discovery facial
Master-ValmontDiscovery facial 5sessions
1,188US$Services provided by master esthetician Nicole Li有效期 18 個月- Valmont Discovery facial
Master-Valmont Discovery 10sessions
2,250US$Services provided by our master esthetician Nicole Li有效期 18 個月- Valmont Discovery facial
Fotona V-shape Lift 3 sessions package
2,000US$3 sessions of Fotona V-shape Lift 3 sessions有效期 2 年- Fotona V-shape Lift
Hungarian Purifying Facial 5 sessions
1,068US$5 sessions of Hungarian Purifying Facial provided by our senior esthetician有效期 18 個月- Hungarian Purifying Facial
Hungarian Purifying Facial 10 sessions
2,025US$10 sessions of Hungarian Purifying Facial provided by our senior esthetician有效期 18 個月- Hungarian Purifying Facial
Master-Hungarian Purifying Facial*5
1,188US$5 sessions of Hungarian Purifying Facial provided by our master esthetician有效期 18 個月- Hungarian Purifying Facial

Fotona4D 全脸提升:解决皱纹+皮肤松弛/暗沉+非侵入式面部提升
Fotona矢量电梯: 氮侵入式提眉术, 上眼睑年轻化、紧致、刺激胶原蛋白
ZO 皮:改善暗沉肌肤+老年斑+改善质感
对您脸部的形状或整体平衡不满意?想要使凹陷区域变得丰满?面部轮廓手术可以减少脂肪沉积,塑造和调整皮肤,塑造“V 形线”,使面部外观整体更加年轻、平衡。

Fotona4D SmoothEye: 改善眼睑皱纹,收紧松弛肌肤皮肤、眼睑和眼周区域老化
Fotona矢量电梯“提眉”术: 无创提眉术, 上眼睑年轻化、紧致、刺激胶原蛋白
局部眼部除皱: 旨在减少眼部细纹

每个爱美人士都需要光滑、有光泽、年轻的肌肤。您不必在日常护肤程序中花费大量金钱购买面霜、精华液和其他护肤产品,而是可以通过多年来吸引专家目光的面部护理获得自然光泽。如果您想获得自然健康皮肤的优势,HydraFacial 可能是您的最佳选择。由合格的皮肤专家进行的这种护理可以为您的皮肤补充水分,并温和地去除死皮细胞。

Fotona 颈部和肩部年轻化: 减少皱纹和提供更光滑、更均匀的肤色
Fotona 颈部皱纹换肤:刺激胶原蛋白的产生,温和地重塑皮肤,使外观更光滑、年轻